VST3 Parameter Info -> Better generic editor

I'm developing a host based on the demo host example. One thing that I'd really like to do would be able to have a generic editor that allowed textual input of non-normalized parameter values, and display of enumerated lists and boolean parameters using appropriate UI elements (e.g. drop downs and check boxes), rather than a slider for each parameter. I think this should be achieveable for VST3 and also AudioUnits.

Also it would be nice to be able to access information about parameter grouping (VST3 UnitInfo / AudioUnit Clumps).

If you're listening Jules, it would be great to have these aspects exposed in a generic way.



+1 !!!

I would love getting access to enhanced parameter description provided by the plug-in for my CopperPlug wrapper :-)


You could just create a new generic editor class based on the exiting one. As far as I remember the generic editor class is pretty straightforward. Shouldn't take much to re-work it?

that's what i am doing, but there are not enough AudioProcessor methods implemented in the plug-in format classes in order to get the parameter info yet.

for instance adding this to the VST3PluginInstance allows me to get the number of steps and default value.

    int getParameterNumSteps (int parameterIndex)
        if (editController != nullptr)
          return getParameterInfoForIndex (parameterIndex).stepCount;

        return 0x7fffffff;

    float getParameterDefaultValue (int parameterIndex)

      if (editController != nullptr)
        return getParameterInfoForIndex (parameterIndex).defaultNormalizedValue;


      return 0.;

it'd be nice to be able to get all the information about a parameter from the ParameterInfo 
