WebBrowser2 + OpenGL : Incompatible?

Trying to figure out why my browser component is hanging when I go to a page I’ve made, and it appears that openGlContext.attachTo(*getTopLevelComponent()); in my plugin editor is the offending line. Soon as I take it off everything starts working perfect for the browser.

Is this a known limitation? How can I have a small browser component in plugin + have OpenGL drawing?

Need help!

I’m not sure about having the WebBrowser with OpenGL over it / etc.
And I didn’t try this.
But did you try having a ‘main area’ component and attaching context to it, instead to entire top level component?

Sorry for the late bump on this, but just wanted to make sure I understood correctly, so instead of “openGlContext.attachTo(*getTopLevelComponent());” I can attach to just the editor? Does this mean if I had the webview in a modal window then there would be no interference?

Lol this issue drove me crazy for soooo many hours