AAE Error 14018 - for multiout virtual instrument

ok, so i understand this is to do with the channel config for pro tools.
My plugin works fine in all AU VST3 daws, now since its a multiout , i don’t know how to configure for it to work on protools.
Here is what im doing in pluginprocessor.cpp

#ifndef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
: AudioProcessor (BusesProperties()
#if ! JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
#if ! JucePlugin_IsSynth
.withInput (“Input”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true)
.withOutput (“Output_1”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true)
.withOutput (“Output_2”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), false)
.withOutput (“Output_3”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), false)
.withOutput (“Output_4”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), false)
.withOutput (“Output_5”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), false)
.withOutput (“Output_6”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), false)
.withOutput (“Output_7”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), false)
.withOutput (“Output_8”, AudioChannelSet::stereo(), false)