Add Plugin for Click Track Purposes

It occurs to me that it would be great to add a plugin for use by the built-in click track. One could add a drum plugin and have considerably more control over the sounds used by the click track.

Is this possible? And how would one go about doing this?

The click track isn’t a proper track, it’s just added to a specific output device.

You can change the samples used by the click track.

Or you can add a sampler to a dedicated track with a step clip Solo Isolate mode enabled if you want a proper track.

Yes, actually, I am aware that the click track is not a proper track.

I was thinking of adding a plugin not just in terms of additional sounds, but even the possibility to expand the click track to be more of a drums or percussion “track” (again, realizing that it is not a real track).

I’ll need to ponder other ways to do this.

As always, thank you.

OK, another idea. Is it possible to connect the click track output as a MIDI input? Then it can drive a regular track with plugins on it.

If that is possible then I can do the things I am thinking of.

No, it’s not a real track. But you could create an internal Plugin that generates note events if you need.
Or just put a MIDI/step clip on a track to generate the events.

The click track is a node in the graph that is connected to the output. Wouldn’t it be possible to connect that node to a different point on the graph?

Sure anything’s possible if you want to hack around in EditNodeBuilder.
It’s just not something I think there’s a strong enough demand for to write all the data model and settings to control the behaviour around.

Thank you. I will see what I can come up with.