Add support for sending Midi CCs out of VST3 plugins

Awesome news!!! Thanks @reuk

That’s great news! Any chance juce6 will also provide access to multiple vst3 and AU3 midi ports?

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@reuk or @Dewdman42 do you know if there are any DAWs that actually support LegacyMIDICCOutEvents yet? Trying to test this functionality out but so far sending a pitch wheel MidiMessage from a JUCE6 VST3 does not seem accomplish anything in the host, at least not in Ableton or FL.

When I was testing the CC-out functionality I think I used Reaper, so that should definitely work.

Ah thanks, yup, it does work in Reaper. Hopefully the other DAWs catch up at some point :sob:

@reuk I think the addition of LegacyMIDICCOutEvents support broke MIDI CC input in some parts. For example polyphonic aftertouch messages (0xA) are now sent to a hosted plugin input event lists as LegacyMIDICCOutEvents (see juce_VST3Common.h, createVstEvent()). This is of course not understood by plugins, hence they do not react to polyphonic aftertouch.

To fix this I think it would be necessary to make a difference between converting a MIDI buffer to an event list if it’s an input event list or if it’s an output event list.

Thanks for raising this. This issue should be fixed as of this commit:

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Wow, that was fast! :slight_smile: Thanks @reuk.