Adding mono-to-stereo hides mono-to-mono in ProTools?

I’m trying allow mono-to-stereo in my AAX builds, but when I do, ProTools only shows the mono-to-stereo version. I just don’t get why it doesn’t show both as options. Is this a ProTools thing? A JUCE thing? Or just me? Here is my code from isBusesLayoutSupported():

if (layouts.getMainOutputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::mono())
	if (layouts.getMainInputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::mono())
		return true;
else if (layouts.getMainOutputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::stereo())
	if (wrapperType == wrapperType_AAX)
    	if (layouts.getMainInputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::stereo())
			return true;
    	if ((layouts.getMainInputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::mono()) ||
  		layouts.getMainInputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::stereo())
			return true;

return false;

Oops. Wrong code. That’s where I disabled the mono-stereo in AAX. Here is my code attempting to allow it:

if (layouts.getMainOutputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::mono())
	if (layouts.getMainInputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::mono())
		return true;
else if (layouts.getMainOutputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::stereo())
		if ((layouts.getMainInputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::mono()) ||
				layouts.getMainInputChannelSet() == AudioChannelSet::stereo())
			return true;
return false;

Found the fix. I forgot about the AAX page tables. I had to add the mono-stereo as a new ID, and update getAAXPluginIDForMainBusConfig() to return that ID for mono-stereo.

Can you help me to understand better your approach? @HowardAntares thanks in advance.

Sure. In the XML file, I have this (for example):

	<Plugin manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='MSNa'>
		<Desc>MyPlugin Mono-Stereo Native</Desc>
	</Plugin><!--manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='MSNa'-->
	<Plugin manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='StAS'>
		<Desc>MyPlugin Stereo AudioSuite</Desc>
	</Plugin><!--manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='StAS'-->
	<Plugin manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='StNa'>
		<Desc>MyPlugin Stereo Native</Desc>
	</Plugin><!--manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='StNa'-->
	<Plugin manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='MoAs'>
		<Desc>MyPlugin Mono AudioSuite</Desc>
	</Plugin><!--manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='MoAS'-->
	<Plugin manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='MoNa'>
		<Desc>MyPlugin Mono Native</Desc>
	</Plugin><!--manID='MyCo' prodID='MyPl' plugID='MoNa'-->

And in code I have this (also for example):

int32 MyPluginAudioProcessor::getAAXPluginIDForMainBusConfig (const AudioChannelSet& mainInputLayout,
																							const AudioChannelSet& mainOutputLayout,
																							bool idForAudioSuite) const
	if (mainInputLayout == AudioChannelSet::mono())
		if (mainOutputLayout == AudioChannelSet::stereo())
			return 'MSNa'; // new mono-to-stereo ID
			return idForAudioSuite ? 'MoAS' : 'MoNa';
	else // if (mainInputLayout == AudioChannelSet::stereo())
		return idForAudioSuite ? 'StAS' : 'StNa';

Also, I had to add the code shown earlier in this thread for isBusesLayoutSupported().

Does that help?