BinaryData is not updating when I save the jucer

Not sure what to do, I’ve added the files in juce and they have Binary Resource check, but when I save the jucer they are not added to BinaryData.h nor .cpp

Even if I delete binaryData.h and binaryData.cpp
It get rebuilt without the desired extra files.

trying to get theLogo.jpg and pnglogo.png to appear in binaryData

Also, files added to the source directory are also not propoagating to xcode

It sounds like there is some problem with your installation. I would reboot the computer, try cleaning the XCode working directories, i.e. in Terminal:

rm -frd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*

Projucer is a project manager, but also a code editor (for historic reasons).
If a file is open, CMD+S might save the file instead of the project.

Either make sure that no file is open in the editor tabs, or try “Save Project (CMD+P)”.