Blank WebBrowserComponent

Here’s a picture of my web browser component. It’s supposed to be showing google. The red is just to demonstrate I’ve not done anything stupid with the parent component. So what am I doing wrong this morning…?

And here’s my source:

class SaltHelpPanel : public Component
		Component::setName("HELP BROWSER");

	void resized() override

	void paint(Graphics & g) override

	class Browser : public WebBrowserComponent, Timer
			: WebBrowserComponent(false)

		void timerCallback() override


	Browser browser;


Okay - so if I add it directly to a top level window it displays, e.g.

class SaltHelpPanel : public Component
		Component::setName("HELP BROWSER");
		auto window = new ResizableWindow("HELP", true);
		auto windowBrowser = new Browser();
		windowBrowser->setSize(400, 400);
		window->setContentOwned(windowBrowser, true);

Which OS?  


I can’t seem to re-produce your problem. See this code here:


    This file was auto-generated!

    It contains the basic startup code for a Juce application.


#include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"

class BrowserTestApplication  : public JUCEApplication
    BrowserTestApplication() {}

    const String getApplicationName() override       { return ProjectInfo::projectName; }
    const String getApplicationVersion() override    { return ProjectInfo::versionString; }
    bool moreThanOneInstanceAllowed() override       { return true; }

    void initialise (const String&) override
        // This method is where you should put your application's initialisation code..

        mainWindow = new MainWindow (getApplicationName());

    void shutdown() override
        // Add your application's shutdown code here..

        mainWindow = nullptr; // (deletes our window)

    void systemRequestedQuit() override
        // This is called when the app is being asked to quit: you can ignore this
        // request and let the app carry on running, or call quit() to allow the app to close.

    void anotherInstanceStarted (const String&) override
        // When another instance of the app is launched while this one is running,
        // this method is invoked, and the commandLine parameter tells you what
        // the other instance's command-line arguments were.

        This class implements the desktop window that contains an instance of
        our MainContentComponent class.
    class MainWindow    : public DocumentWindow
        class BrowserComponent : public Component
                setOpaque (true);
                addAndMakeVisible (wb);
                setSize (800, 600);

                wb.goToURL ("");

            void paint (Graphics& g) override
                g.fillAll (Colours::white);

            void resized() override
                wb.setBounds (getLocalBounds());

            WebBrowserComponent wb;

        MainWindow (String name)  : DocumentWindow (name,
                                                                          .findColour (ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId),
            setUsingNativeTitleBar (true);
            setContentOwned (new BrowserComponent(), true);

            centreWithSize (getWidth(), getHeight());
            setVisible (true);

        void closeButtonPressed() override
            // This is called when the user tries to close this window. Here, we'll just
            // ask the app to quit when this happens, but you can change this to do
            // whatever you need.

        /* Note: Be careful if you override any DocumentWindow methods - the base
           class uses a lot of them, so by overriding you might break its functionality.
           It's best to do all your work in your content component instead, but if
           you really have to override any DocumentWindow methods, make sure your
           subclass also calls the superclass's method.


    ScopedPointer<MainWindow> mainWindow;

// This macro generates the main() routine that launches the app.
START_JUCE_APPLICATION (BrowserTestApplication)

Okay - so the browser that doesn’t display is embedded in this:

I’ll do you a full example later…

Sorry for bringing this up again @jimc, but did you ever find a solution to this?

Not that I can remember.

My main discovery about embedding web-browsers is: Don’t Do It.

We tried the JUCE/OS standard stuff and then for a while had embedded chromium. All of which was horrific one way of the other. Notably the OS embedded web browser versions seemed to be out of date, vary from OS version to OS version and all the features like auto-complete don’t work. Either we render stuff natively with JUCE or launch the users preferred browser these days.

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That’s a pity. I would really like to have access to a webview in my app. Just now I modified the AudioPluginHost so that it shows a web browser component instead of the plugin UI, and lo and behold, it’s also blank. :frowning:

[edit] My understand is that it should work in the AudioPluginHost, because I’m using setContent(), but anyway, even if that had worked, it’s not going to be a runner for what I want to do, which is display it alongside other widgets.

[edit] I was able to do what I wanted with choc/choc_WebView.h at main · Tracktion/choc · GitHub