CentOS (or RedHat) dependencies


I’m trying to compile a simple example in an CentOS (5.7) machine, but all I get is hundreds of errors.
Juce static lib is created ok, but when compiling the example with it, the problems arrive.


juce_linux_NativeCode.cpp:(.text._ZN4juce12XBitmapImageC1ENS_5Image11PixelFormatEiibiP6Visual[juce::XBitmapImage::XBitmapImage(juce::Image::PixelFormat, int, int, bool, int, Visual*)]+0x12d): undefined reference to `XShmAttach’

juce_linux_NativeCode.cpp:(.text._ZNK4juce18LinuxComponentPeer8containsERKNS_5PointIiEEb[juce::LinuxComponentPeer::contains(juce::Point const&, bool) const]+0xfa): undefined reference to `XTranslateCoordinates’

juce_PNGLoader.cpp:(.text+0x1aa): undefined reference to `png_create_read_struct’

“Introjucer” can’t compile either.

Sure is a dependencies problem… Anyone can help me?


PD: I installed all the dependencies in the “sticky message” (no the exact name, but…)


I’m trying to compile a simple example in an CentOS (5.7) machine, but all I get is hundreds of errors.
Juce static lib is created ok, but when compiling the example with it, the problems arrive.


juce_linux_NativeCode.cpp:(.text._ZN4juce12XBitmapImageC1ENS_5Image11PixelFormatEiibiP6Visual[juce::XBitmapImage::XBitmapImage(juce::Image::PixelFormat, int, int, bool, int, Visual*)]+0x12d): undefined reference to `XShmAttach’

juce_linux_NativeCode.cpp:(.text._ZNK4juce18LinuxComponentPeer8containsERKNS_5PointIiEEb[juce::LinuxComponentPeer::contains(juce::Point const&, bool) const]+0xfa): undefined reference to `XTranslateCoordinates’

juce_PNGLoader.cpp:(.text+0x1aa): undefined reference to `png_create_read_struct’

“Introjucer” can’t compile either.

Sure is a dependencies problem… Anyone can help me?


PD: I installed all the dependencies in the “sticky message” (no the exact name, but…)[/quote]

You need to add ‘-lXext’ to the list of link libraries (and maybe ‘-ldl’ as well) in the Makefile
afaik, this has been already fixed in the juce-modules git brach

“/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext”

In the packet administrator, the system has installed:
libXext-1.0.1-2.1.i386 and libXext-devel-1.0.1-2.1.i386

I’ll try the git version!

*Edit: Downloaded git version.: “git clone --depth 1 git://juce.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/juce/juce”

Tried to compile “Introjucer” and:
Compiling jucer_DocumentEditorComponent.cpp
…/…/Source/Application/jucer_DocumentEditorComponent.cpp:1: error: valor erróneo (native) para el interruptor -march=
…/…/Source/Application/jucer_DocumentEditorComponent.cpp:1: error: valor erróneo (native) para el interruptor -mtune=
make: *** [build/intermediate/Release/jucer_DocumentEditorComponent_695dff1d.o] Error 1AAA

Trying to compile static library. Compiles ok.

Another try to compile my simple example and… a lot of errors…

Also tried the “modules” version:
git clone --depth 1 git://juce.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/juce/juce
cd juce
git checkout -b origin/modules

The same errors… :x

**EDIT: Turn the “experimental” version “g++44” for the compiler, “Introjucer” compiles!!!

Using the “makefile” of “Introjucer”, I could compile my example! :smiley: