CLion Exporter: XCode Resource Folder not working

timid bump here, might have a similar (and peculiar) issue :

  • Projucer project on Mac where I set the "Application Icon " i.e. Icon(small) and Icon(large) on the Xcode Exporter
  • CLion Exporter taking input from xcode+linux+xcodeblocks

When the application Icon is set CLion is actually trying to run the Icon.icns file instead of the executable inside the .app :open_mouth: if I chmod+x the icon it actually runs it!

Error is

Error running ‘APP’: Cannot run program “/cmake-build-debug/myproject/Builds/CLion/” (in directory “/cmake-build-debug/myproject/Builds/CLion/”): error=13, Permission denied

CmakeLists changes when I add the App Icon is this line, along with all the HEADER_ONLY image lines:

set_source_files_properties (“…/MacOSX/Icon.icns” PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION “Resources”)

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