Cycling'74 GenExpr Component output as video on the screen in iOS


For my Flanker 3.0 simulator project I need the following solution:

  1. I need to make a video display in Projucer (because I need just a generic interface)
  2. I need to port my Gen~ component output to video driver of the device
  3. I need to output this video driver stream on the video display described above

Is it possible in JUCE?

Best Regards,
Ruslan Yusipov

To be clear the Projucer is just a tool to help manage and generate C++ JUCE projects. In terms of video support JUCE does have a module juce_video with a class VideoComponent that allows for some extremely simple playback of some video formats. However these would be pre-recorded videos. I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re trying to achieve. Are you saying Max would be running on a desktop and you need to capture part of the screen in Max to display in iOS? Generally speaking you would generate all the graphics you need directly in your JUCE project. Based on what I understand I wouldn’t say there is anything in the JUCE framework to do exactly what you’re trying to do.