Debugging plugins in VSCODE

Just started the tutorial, right now am in this section. The tutorial uses Visual Studio, and not Visual Studio Code. How do I make things work in VSCode? My launch.json is:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "(Windows) Attach",
            "type": "cppvsdbg",
            "request": "attach",
            "processId": "${command:pickProcess}",
            "symbolSearchPath": "build/AudioPluginExample_artefacts/Debug/VST3;build/AudioPluginExample_artefacts/Debug",
            // "requireExactSource": true
            "logging": {
                "exceptions": false
    "version": "2.0.0"

I first start the AudioPluginHost.exe and then attach the debugger to it. Then, Debug Output continuously keeps printing
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFE8B09A839 in AudioPluginHost.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Cn::XH at memory location 0x000000900D7EF370. (hex values are different in different messages)
Hence, the logging: { exceptions: false }. Now, when I initialize my plugin and connect the wires like this:
And press the notes/keys, nothing happens. Is it because there’s no audio input? I’d like to put it out there that I’m no musician, and I started developing plugins cause a producer friend asked me to.

EDIT: If I uncomment // "requireExactSource": true, then what target’s source file should I have opened in my editor? Of AudioPluginHost.exe or of the TutorialPlugin.vst3? Furthermore, should I have PluginEditor.cpp or PluginProcessor.cpp opened up?