Debugging stereowidth project

Hey all, I've followed the tutorial posted on this Redwood Audio website to build a simple stereo widener;

Unfortunately, upon building the project, I get the following error:


1>------ Build started: Project: Stereo Widener, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>  PluginProcessor.cpp
1>  PluginEditor.cpp
1>  juce_AAX_Wrapper.cpp
1>  juce_audio_basics.cpp
1>  juce_audio_devices.cpp
1>  juce_audio_formats.cpp
1>  juce_audio_processors.cpp
1>  juce_core.cpp
1>c:\stereowidthctrl\jucelibrarycode\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\utility\juce_checksettingmacros.h(79): fatal error C1189: #error :  "You need to define the JucePlugin_TailLengthSeconds value!" (..\..\JuceLibraryCode\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\AAX\juce_AAX_Wrapper.cpp)
1>  juce_cryptography.cpp
1>  juce_data_structures.cpp
1>  juce_events.cpp
1>c:\stereowidthctrl\jucelibrarycode\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\utility\juce_checksettingmacros.h(79): fatal error C1189: #error :  "You need to define the JucePlugin_TailLengthSeconds value!" (..\..\Source\PluginProcessor.cpp)
1>  juce_graphics.cpp
1>  juce_gui_basics.cpp
1>  juce_gui_extra.cpp
1>  juce_opengl.cpp
1>  juce_PluginUtilities.cpp
1>  juce_video.cpp
1>  juce_VST_Wrapper.cpp
1>c:\stereowidthctrl\jucelibrarycode\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\utility\juce_checksettingmacros.h(79): fatal error C1189: #error :  "You need to define the JucePlugin_TailLengthSeconds value!" (..\..\JuceLibraryCode\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\VST\juce_VST_Wrapper.cpp)
1>c:\stereowidthctrl\jucelibrarycode\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\utility\juce_checksettingmacros.h(79): fatal error C1189: #error :  "You need to define the JucePlugin_TailLengthSeconds value!" (..\..\JuceLibraryCode\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\utility\juce_PluginUtilities.cpp)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? The reason I ask is because the same code compiled just fine last night, and now inexplicably the identical project and code does not seem to be working this morning.


Well the error message is quite self explanatory. If you used the Introjucer, you have to specify a processig tail, or better, enable the flag "Silence In = Silence out", which makes the tail property obsolete.

And if you don't use the Introjucer, let this overwritten method from Audioprocessor return true:

virtual bool AudioProcessor::silenceInProducesSilenceOut ( ) const