Do we use ASIO driver on mac?

Hi, jules
How are you?
Does juce support ASIO driver on mac?
I saw juce_Config.h for ASIO definition.
Comment out this macro if you haven’t got the Steinberg ASIO SDK, without
which the ASIOAudioIODevice class can’t be built. See the comments in the
ASIOAudioIODevice class’s header file for more info about this.

(This only affects a Win32 build)

#ifndef JUCE_ASIO
#define JUCE_ASIO 1

juce does not support ASIO driver on mac.
why don’t you support asio driver on mac? some reason?


Hi, jules
I searched on-line, and found
CoreAudio is Apple’s name for the Darwin-based implementation of the ASIO protocol.
So CoreAudio is ASIO.
So mac only support CoreAudio ? is there any other device type on mac?


[quote]CoreAudio is Apple’s name for the Darwin-based implementation of the ASIO protocol.
So CoreAudio is ASIO.[/quote]

…and my hair is a bird.

CoreAudio is the OSX audio API. You don’t need anything else on the Mac, so don’t worry about it.