Drag and Drop Interface Builder

The Projucer has a GuiComponentEditor. But the generated code is clunky and the JUCE team has decided not to continue working on it. It is provided on an “as-is” basis and is now since JUCE-6 only available as “opt-in” via the “Tools” menu IIRC.

If you are used to write UI in JavaScript, then @ncthom (Nick) creates BluePrint. I haven’t used it, because I am not a JS person, but it seems awesome.

I created a WYSWYG editor, that allows to create GUI per drag and drop and style it via CSS schemas and a DOM. It is called PluginGuiMagic.
You can extend it with your own Components, and it has already additional controls like an XY-dragger and visualisations like an oscilloscope and an analyser available.
More details in this thread:

I made a little tutorial on youtube, hopefully I can add more tutorials in the future.