Extended character bugs

I’m pretty sure I reported this before and it got fixed, but it sesems to be broken again.

On the mac, you can’t type ü (and other characters), but you can paste them into text boxes.

Also if I use File::findChildFiles() and a file with a ü is returned and i do a drawtext it shows up as a square box. However, if i paste a ü into a text box, it shows up fine. So juce can print the characters fine. I can also access the file just fine, so the filename is intact.

in the following picture you can see the difference between typing ü and pasting ü

in the following picture you can see the ü is missing from the filename, just shows up as u.

We have same problem with Japanese input method. Also Chinese and Korean must have the same problem. And it is too hard to explain… :cry:


Ok, chaps, it looks like the key entry stuff was a bit old and needed updating. Have a go of this tweak and see if it sorts things out:

[code] OSStatus handleKeyEvent (EventRef theEvent)
updateModifiers (theEvent);

    UniChar unicodeChars [4];
    zeromem (unicodeChars, sizeof (unicodeChars));
    GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamKeyUnicodes, typeUnicodeText, 0, sizeof (unicodeChars), 0, unicodeChars);

    int keyCode = (int) (unsigned int) unicodeChars[0];

    UInt32 rawKey = 0;
    GetEventParameter (theEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, 0, sizeof (UInt32), 0, &rawKey);

    if ((currentModifiers & ModifierKeys::ctrlModifier) != 0)
        if (keyCode >= 1 && keyCode <= 26)
            keyCode += ('A' - 1);

    static const int keyTranslations[] =
        122, KeyPress::F1Key, 120, KeyPress::F2Key,
        99, KeyPress::F3Key, 118, KeyPress::F4Key,
        96, KeyPress::F5Key, 97, KeyPress::F6Key,
        98, KeyPress::F7Key, 100, KeyPress::F8Key,
        101, KeyPress::F9Key, 109, KeyPress::F10Key,
        103, KeyPress::F11Key, 111, KeyPress::F12Key,
        36, KeyPress::returnKey, 51, KeyPress::backspaceKey,
        123, KeyPress::leftKey, 124, KeyPress::rightKey,
        126, KeyPress::upKey, 125, KeyPress::downKey,
        115, KeyPress::homeKey, 119, KeyPress::endKey,
        116, KeyPress::pageUpKey, 121, KeyPress::pageDownKey,
        76, KeyPress::returnKey,

    const int* kt = keyTranslations;

    while (*kt != 0)
        if ((int) rawKey == *kt)
            keyCode = *++kt;

        kt += 2;

    switch (GetEventKind (theEvent))
    case kEventRawKeyDown:
        keysCurrentlyDown.addIfNotAlreadyThere ((void*) keyCode);
        handleKeyPress (keyCode);

    case kEventRawKeyUp:
        keysCurrentlyDown.removeValue ((void*) keyCode);

    case kEventRawKeyRepeat:
        handleKeyPress (keyCode);

    case kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged:


    return noErr;

That fixed the input problem for me. Thanks.

I’m still looking into the filename problem, I’ll let you know if I figure anything out, I’m not much of a mac programmer. I think it has something to do with the conversion from utf8. Maybe the character set needs to be changed or something.

What happens if you print the filename to the stdout? Could it just be that the font doesn’t contain that character, and the mac font stuff is substituting a normal “u”?

Using JUCE 1.38, I created a little test app that has a FilenameComponent, and when the filename changes it prints out the filename in hex and the file contents in hex.

I created a file named dück

If I browse for the file I get: 64 75 308 63 6b

If I paste the filename in I get: 64 fc 63 6b

Both filenames allow me to access and open the file:

The contents of the file is also dück (Windows Latin) is also dück and it prints as 64 fc 63 6b

#include "../jucedemo_headers.h"

class TextDemo : public Component, public FilenameComponentListener
		addAndMakeVisible(fc = new FilenameComponent(String::empty, File::nonexistent, true, false, false, T("*"), String::empty, String::empty));
	void filenameComponentChanged (FilenameComponent* fileComponentThatHasChanged)
	void resized()
		fc->setBounds(5, 5, getWidth() - 10, 30);
	void paint(Graphics& g)
		File f = fc->getCurrentFile();
		String s = f.getFileName();
		String o;
		for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
			o += String::toHexString(s[i]) + T(" ");
		g.drawText(o, 5, 50, getWidth() - 10, 30, Justification::topLeft, false);
		if (f.existsAsFile())
			s = f.loadFileAsString();
			String o;
			for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
				o += String::toHexString(s[i]) + T(" ");
			g.drawText(o, 5, 70, getWidth() - 10, 30, Justification::topLeft, false);

	FilenameComponent* fc;

Component* createTextDemo()
	return new TextDemo();

I think this is the root of the problem:


On another note, I also have my LocalisedString files in MacRoman, which no longer seems to work either. I got boxes for all extened characters.

Is juce using a Latin character set internally?

Ok, the decomposed/composed character stuff is all news to me. I guess I just need to make it compose the string before it gets drawn to the screen, though it all seems very complicated…

The default char* to unicode conversion is just to use mbstowcs(), which I guess depends on the locale. Might be safest just to save the localisation files as unicode rather than 8-bit, so there’s no danger of a mix-up.

offtopic, don’t kill me i just had to

On another note, I also have my LocalisedString files in MacRoman, which no longer seems to work either. I got boxes for all extened characters. [/quote]

hey my name is Roman and i have a MAC, does that make me
MacRoman ?