Feature requests

Hi, have been using the JUCER quite regularly lately, and it’s very useful to me. I have 3 little feature requests that would make JUCER even cooler, in order of interest:

  1. The ability not to specify Colours, for instance I would not like to specify any colour for Label::textColourId, so the default colour of the LookAndFeel is used.
  2. The ability to change properties for components of the same class at once, for instance I select multiple labels and then change the text colour for these Labels all at once.
  3. X,Y view of mouse coordinates.

Maybe some of these features are available in some way but I didn’t get it?


As I think I mentioned elsewhere, I’ve got some big plans for the Jucer this year, so don’t really want to spend time doing small improvements like this, when I’ll probably end up re-writing most of it anyway…