How did Deplike Audio archived low latency in Android?

I was building a guitar effect app in Juce but I’m getting a lot of latency on my Samsung Galaxy S7. I was using a Behringer guitar link audio interface and I’m getting lots of latency. But then I tried this app from Deplike
and I can play my guitar in real time using the same phone and audio interface. How can this be posible? And they are not using samsung profesional audio (because you can to select that option if you want).

I’m not sure if they are using something like superpowered audio engine (, this guys claim that their sdks reduces android audio latency.

Just to clear up confusion, we work closely with the Android audio team to make sure nothing offers lower latency than juce’s classes. Since we all use the same APIs underneath, I’d expect the best-case latency to be the same for all apps, including the one you mention.

BTW the Android team’s presentation at ADC last week was “how to write an Android synth from scratch” and they covered APIs and latency in great detail. The talks aren’t yet edited, but you can watch it here in the raw footage:

…if you skip forward to about 7hr

There is no “trick” for Android, you’ve got currently 3.1 paths.

I’d also investigate differences with USB audio vs Internal which might also prove to be different?

I’m Ufuk, co-founder of Deplike and very nice to see someone notice that we provide the fastest audio io on Android. We are using different algorithms to reduce buffer size so most of the devices have less latency with our jack api. Also we can run all usb audio devices with our usb api.
We are open collaborations and you can contact me via


Hi thanks, for the replies. Android is years behind compared to iOS in their audio API. It seems posible to reduce more the latency in Android using jack ( since Samsung’s API SAP it is based in jack audio connection kit). Thanks I’m going to take a look to all posibilites.