How to configure Projucer for automatic iOS provisioning?

This is my first time trying to build a CI system involving the Projucer and automatic provisioning/deployment for iOS, so I am trying to configure things so that 0 manual steps are necessary between pulling the latest changes, programmatically resaving the projucer file, and then triggering XCodeBuild to deploy an iOS build to an emulator for automated testing.

So far I have it down to one final ComboBox in XCode Settings I can’t seem to get to select the right item. I still need to manually set it after resaving the projucer file for everything to work.

What we have so far:

For XCode (iOS) → Debug/Release settings, we have “Code-Signing Identity = Apple Development”

This seems to reduce the number of ComboBox settings that need to be set within XCode to get things to work.

But nothing in the Projucer seems to be able to set the “Team” in XCode’s “Signing and Capabilities” to the team name that’s shared across all members of the team. The field “Development Team ID” seems to take the 10-character ID that might correspond to the Team name, but plugging this in just results in that Team field in XCode saying “Unknown Name (TeamID)” in red.

What is the right way to get this all working correctly? We are trying to use “Automatically manage signing” to keep things simpler, but is that really the best way with JUCE?

Actually I just fixed things by inspecting the .pbxproj file after setting the right setting for the Team ComboBox in XCode. It turns out that the Team used a different 10-character ID that I have not seen anywhere else, it is not anywhere in Keychain Access for example, and it is not the ID used for “Signing Certificate” underneath.

So I guess my question is, what is the way to find out this ID that doesn’t involve inspecting it from the .pbxproj file? It’s also nowhere to be found in XCode Preferences → Accounts

For now, I’ll conclude that this is kind of a stand-off between the simplicity Apple hoped to strive for with “Automatically manage signing”, which IIRC came a long, long time after manual provisioning did in XCode - and a project generator like the Projucer, which expects you to know your own Team ID to plug the field. I guess this ID is available somewhere on my device (or on the Apple Developer website account pages) other than from within the pbxproj file, but Apple figured you’d never need to know it if you let it manage signing on your behalf, and doesn’t add it to your Keychain Access either.

You can find 10-character ID (called “TEAM ID”) in Apple Developer website under your account.