How to get iOS auv3 to macosx via catalyst

I have a nicely working auv3 plugin/standalone on iOS.
I want to study the possibility of making it a shared app between iOS & macos. My app is not specifically designed for touch, it just as well works with touchpad/mouse
-In Xcode, I have added the destination “Mac ( designed for ipad)”
-In appstore connect I have enabled “Test iPhone and iPad Apps on Apple Silicon Macs” for internal testing.

Now the app is downloaded fine in macos Testflight, Standalone works fine.
the plugin wont work in Logic, AUval fails with;
FATAL ERROR: OpenAComponent: result: 4097,0x1001

Any hint is welcome!

Also: locally with Xcode you can test the iOS auv3 straight in to Catalyst. But it doesnt work either. No readable errors, no hints.
Is there somewhere a list of what you need to set for auv3’s to be compatible for macos catalyst?

this is the closest issue/fix I could find, however having trouble finding the things mentioned