Is there any way to make a StretchableLayoutResizerBar always visible?

I had created a StretchableLayoutResizerBar, and also addAndMakeVisible(). Here I want to make it visible whether the mouse is on it or not. Does anyone knows? Thanks…

Unfortunately the StretchableLayoutResizerBar doesn’t use ColourIds. But you can override the LookAndFeel and implement your own:

You have access to isMouseOver and isMouseDragging, so you have all freedom.

Ok, thank you, I will try this way.

Does this function is a callback function? I override this function, but it’s sitll visible only when my mouse over the StretchableLayoutResizerBar.

It is called from repaint().
Thanks to the setting setRepaintsOnMouseActivity (true) a repaint is called on all mouse activities, includig mouseEnter and mouseExit.

If you don’t see an effect, maybe the StretchableLayoutResizerBar is not using your new LookAndFeel?

Ok, I get it, thank you so much.