More Feature Suggestions

Feature suggestions:

  • Show in finder/explorer menu item for source files
  • Unrequested new version dialog dropped, replace with a status bar notification or similar
  • Allow multiple projucer versions to be loaded at once.
  • Allow adding files the the projucer project by copying on drop - maybe with a modifier key - the default is to add the files just where they are at present. It may need to prompt for a destination folder in which case it should open the file chooser in the location of the nearest file to the drop position on the source tree.
  • Provide a preferences item to disable the opening of previous projects.

That should already work. Right-click on the source file, there is a ā€œReveal in Finderā€.

Itā€™s just been dropped on develop.

Yes thatā€™s not a bad request. We would need to be sure that you donā€™t open the same project though.

Both reasonable requests. Iā€™ll try to add something like that. Thanks for the suggestions.

Donā€™t know why I couldnā€™t find reveal in finder !!

The ā€˜allow multiple versions to be open at onceā€™ has probably got quite a few gotchas in there.

Also, one last one, global preferences: Do Not Open Previous Projects on Load?

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yes, the current behaviour is a bit annoying really. especially because when you open a .jucer project, it sets it in the back, and the frontmost one is the previous project that you actually did not want to open


Also, itā€™d be good to have a cross-platform uber-script in the root of the JUCE folder that built, if necessary, and executed the projucer from the command line.

Hereā€™s an example for MacOS:

 $ cat jucer
if [ ! -f "${PROJUCER_EXECUTABLE}" ] || [ "$1x" == "--rebuildx" ];
    pushd extras/Projucer/Builds/MacOSX/

Though it needs fixing so it works if the working directory isnā€™t the root of the juce folderā€¦

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And hereā€™s an annoying warning you might want to look at. That last message is repeated foreverā€¦

jim@snoopy ~/Code/loopcloud/juce (master)
 $ extras/Projucer/Builds/MacOSX/build/Debug/
JUCE v4.2.2

Projucer 4.2.1  ---  Build date: Jun  1 2016
Log started: 21 Jul 2016 9:24:35am

Mac OSX 10.9.5
CPU: 2800MHz  Cores: 8  14336MB
Loading project: /Users/jim/Code/WindowDocking/WindowDocking.jucer
JUCE Assertion failure in juce_File.cpp:174
Illegal absolute path: extras/Projucer/Builds/MacOSX/build/Debug/
JUCE Assertion failure in juce_File.cpp:174
Illegal absolute path: extras/Projucer/Builds/MacOSX/build/Debug/
JUCE Assertion failure in juce_File.cpp:174
Illegal absolute path: extras/Projucer/Builds/MacOSX/build/Debug/

another request:

Add the Executable Field of XCode Scheme to the Projucer export dialog. I have to set it very often and it would be good if it just stays at the Plugin or whatever is used.

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Likewise for Visual Studio - though I think I or someone else looked at this before and discovered it was in a different file on Xcode from the one thatā€™s written by the projucer for the Xcode projectā€¦so maybe not easy. Perhaps thereā€™s some fancy Mac automator script that could do itā€¦