Need help with Combo Box lookandfeel / font / color / size help

Hello, I’ve been fiddling around and trying to adjust the font type/color and size of the combo box drop down menu,
I know the combo box itself is different from the drop down menu & or the pop up menu.
Cant seem to find examples or documentation on how to edit the paramters within the drop down menu of the combo box.
Any help would be appreciated thanks!

These are some of the LookAndFeel methods that I override to control the drop down menus in my ComboBoxes:

        // PopupMenu
        Font getPopupMenuFont() override;
        int getPopupMenuColumnSeparatorWidthWithOptions(const PopupMenu::Options&) override; // KJ#0130
        void drawPopupMenuColumnSeparatorWithOptions(Graphics& g,
                                                     const Rectangle<int >& bounds, const PopupMenu::Options &) override; // KJ#0085.2
        void getIdealPopupMenuItemSize (const String& text, const bool isSeparator,
                                        int standardMenuItemHeight, int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight) override;
        void drawPopupMenuItem (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area,
                                 const bool isSeparator, const bool isActive,
                                 const bool isHighlighted, const bool isTicked,
                                 const bool hasSubMenu, const String& text,
                                 const String& shortcutKeyText,
                                 const Drawable* icon, const Colour* const textColourToUse) override;
        void drawPopupMenuBackground (Graphics& g, int width, int height) override;
        void drawPopupMenuSectionHeader (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area, const String& sectionName) override; // KJ#0137
        bool shouldPopupMenuScaleWithTargetComponent(const PopupMenu::Options& options) override;

A caveat is, that the ComboBox PopupMenu doesn’t respect the colours set to the ComboBox, only the colours of the LookAndFeel.

The existing ComboBox LnFMethods are broken in that respect, but will remain broken to not jeopardize existing projects: