New Jucer? Any News

Getting close to a Beta with more features? I have a project saved up to try on it.

I guess it won’t open old jucer files? Would mixing the current features (project management) and old jucer component designs be a feasible approach?


Still working away… It will open the old jucer files, I’m been working on that at the moment. There might be a few things that it’ll lose from the old data, but most of it should be preserved.

Is there a topic that I can subscribe to for updates regarding what the new jucer will support/add? Once again, great work Jules!

There’s no specific topic for it, but I’ll post updates when there’s anything to report!

Current status: I’ve realised that my design for vector graphics was all wrong, so am in the middle of a big re-write at the moment… All very complicated and time-consuming, but I want to get it right!