OpenGL Crashing with Debug 32-bit Build on Windows

Crashes on line 1303 of juce_OpenGLGraphicsContext.cpp in

struct ShaderQuadQueue
void initialise()

Works fine on release version or 64-bit builds. Using current master branch of 7.0.9. Also crashed with the develop branch.

Thank you!

Has anyone looked at this one yet? Still crashing for me.

Exception thrown at 0x000000AC in TestApp.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x000000AC.

Line 1301: context.extensions.glBufferData (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof (indexData), indexData, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

Thank you!

If you build and launch the demo runner are you seeing the same issue? Any information you can share to hep us to reproduce the issue would be useful. For example are you building an app or plugin, are you running in a DAW, what OS and version are you running on? graphics card? OpenGL version? are you using the latest drivers, etc.

I’ve just noticed it says TestApp.exe so I can deduce you’re creating your own app on a version of Windows, but any more information you can supply would be helpful.

Yes, DemoRunner crashes in exactly the same spot on my computer. Just open DemoRunner, create the Win32 solution, after the application launches click on OpenGLDemo2D and it will crash.

Using VS2019 16.11.29. I’m updating to 16.11.33 right now but I’m guessing it will still crash.

Thank you!

Yep, 16.11.33 and it still crashes in the same spot.

Thank you!

Any updates on this?

Did you consider that it may maybe some driver issue specific to your computer? Have you tried another computer?

Also, are 32-bit builds really important to you?

Just had a go at building and running a 32-bit copy of the OpenGLDemo with both Clang and MSVC in Debug config on Windows 11 on a newish laptop with integrated graphics, and on a Windows 10 desktop with a GT 1030. The app runs as expected, and I don’t see any crashes.

Are you calling OpenGLContext::setOpenGLVersionRequired anywhere? Do you see different results if you change the required version?

Have you tried running on any other Windows computers, and if so, do you see the same results there?

What is the model of your graphics card, and are the drivers for it up-to-date?

What version of Windows are you using for testing?

Apologies, I can repro this in the OpenGLDemo2D

Glad you were able to reproduce the issue. Hopefully the team can take a look at this.

Thank you,

Thanks for reporting. The issue should be resolved on the develop branch:

Thanks! I can confirm the current develop branch fixes the issue.