Parameter automation vanished on iOS : solved

Dear Swarmintelligence!
My plugin was behaving normally in AUM and Cubasis on iOS: the parameters were available for automation in the host.
Now I updated some stuff, added a few parameters. And now the parameters are invisible in both AUM and Cubasis 3. No errors or warnings are issued, no changes in setup params in Jucer.
What might be the cause ?

As usual, I make mistakes and post the fixes here for other people to learn from.

The issue was:
I had a double parameter in the list. Silly, but true.
Allthough the params are created via std::make_unique, this does NOT prevent you from entering
the same parameter twice, because while creating the params an assertion is thrown in that case, and not an error…

So this example will not show any errors, but will result in an emptry tree for the host!

    : AudioProcessor (getBusesProperties()),
    state (*this, nullptr, "state",
std::make_unique<AudioParameterFloat>("volume", "Volume 1", 
                                     NormalisableRange<**float**>(0.0f, 1.0f,0.001f),1.f),
std::make_unique<AudioParameterFloat>("volume", "Volume 2", 
                                      NormalisableRange<**float**>(0.0f, 1.0f,0.001f),1.f)
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