Problem with codeblock

HI everybody!

I m totally new in juce.

I downloaded codeblock 8.02 and juce 1.46.
I installed codeblock but when I tried to build the juce.cbp file then the following 2 errors show up.

“D:\juce\src\juce_appframework\gui\graphics\colour…\colour\juce_PixelFormats.h|120|sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to ‘void juce::PixelARGB::tween(const Pixel&, juce::uint32) throw () [with Pixel = juce::PixelARGB]’: function body not available|”


“D:\juce\src\juce_appframework\gui\graphics\colour\juce_ColourGradient.cpp|161|sorry, unimplemented: called from here|”

Anybody help me PLZ

Is there nobody to help me !!!

Well you could either

a) not use codeblocks (the sensible option, IMHO)
b) remove the “inline” from those functions because mingw can’t handle it

Hi everybody,

I had the same problem this weekend. In case anyone needs it, here is how I fixed it :
in juce_PlatformDefs.h, lines 349/353 (for version1.46)

  349   #ifndef JUCE_DEBUG
  350     #define forcedinline  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
  351   #else
  352     #define forcedinline  inline
  353   #endif

just replace #define forcedinline inline attribute((always_inline)) with :

  349   #ifndef JUCE_DEBUG
  350     #define forcedinline  inline
  351   #else
  352     #define forcedinline  inline
  353   #endif

If you completely remove the inlining you’ll get multiple functions definitions.

Hope this can be usefull to someone.
But there are more surprises like this in the compilation process with code::blocks :twisted: