Question about master track

I have a multi-output sound card (1 to 8) where out 5+6 is the default wave output.
If I create a track with output to the default audio output (5+6) why don’t I see the master level meter move ?

It seems that the master level meter only reads audio streams coming out of output 1+2 also the latter is disabled and not set as default.

Why can’t I specify a physical output for the “master track”?

Looking at the way its connected in EditNodeBuilder.cpp:createNodeForEdit, the masterLevels should show the mix of all the outputs. Is that not what you’re seeing?

Thanks for your response , i’ve figured it out.

Assuming that the master output is equals to the “default output”, the problem was related only to the visualization of the master level meter.
I mean, to visualize the db level you need to create a level client and attach it to the master level measurer.
Then, from the level client ( with a specific interval ) you need to call getAndClearAudioLevel(int chNum) to get the db value.
But on wich channel i need to call this method ? For the other level meter plugins (on the tracks) i just choose the ch. num 0 and 1 ( left and right ) but for the master ?

Supposing that the master out is setted on the “out 10+11” what i did was call getAndClearAudioLevel() passing the ch nums 10 and 11.
In this way i reached my goal, but i throwed an assertion because the max num channels for a level client was setted to 8 , and so i change that numbero to 16…

Can i change it ? or it must be 8 and there is another way to reach my goal ?

It will be stereo, i.e. channels 0, 1. It’s just the sum of all the outputs.
I believe this was the strongest request as users wanted to see the master meter move if they had tracks routed to any output. It wouldn’t make sense if we had a 64 or 128 channel master level meter.