Sample project (AudioSynthesiserDemo.h) Waveform not displayed

Directly compiled project without any modification

However, the oscilloscope(LiveScrollingAudioDisplay) does not respond at all by pressing the keys


Perhaps the app is failing to open a suitable audio device. If you run the same demo from the DemoRunner, does the waveform update properly? How about if you change the audio output device in the settings pane?

The waveform display doesn’t show what the synth outputs, but instead what is coming to the audio inputs. I am not sure what the purpose of it really is. :person_shrugging:

The audio output from the example does work (at least for me), but the included waveform component doesn’t make much sense because it shows what is coming to the audio inputs, not what the example is playing back.

That’ll teach me to make assumptions without reading the code…

I’ve updated the demo to make the waveform view display the synth output, rather than the audio input:

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