Scanning for auv3 within auv3 (AudioComponentFindeNext issue on IOS)

Hi there,

I’ve run into an issue with creating an Auv3 plugin that can scan and open other auv3 plugins on an ipad.

The standalone app is working fine but the AU app extension is only able to find the default apple audio units (AUDelay, AUSampler ect) and is not showing the AudioComponents installed on the system.

The plugin is essentially reworked from the AudioPluginHost for the hosting functionality. The problem seems to be something happening in AudioComponentFindNext (comp, &desc); within AudioUnitPluginFormat::searchPathsForPlugins.
AudioComponentFindeNext() isn’t showing me all the plugins installed on the system.

I’ve tried adding inter-app audio entitlements and audio-plugin-host temporary exception but it doesn’t seem to be making any difference.

It may be a sandboxing issue too? would the auv3 be running in a sandbox within a sandbox? im not sure how this works.

It would be great to hear from someone who has come up against this same issue.


(edit : readability)

I’m still having issues with this, could it just be a hard limit on Auv3 plugins hosting auv3 plugins?

As far as I’m aware, this is not currently possible. An AUv3 running as a plugin cannot load other user-installed AUv3s.

I find it odd though that I’m able to find and open the generic apple audio units. I’m not sure why they would put this limit in there.