Seg Fault in juce_vst3_helper on MacOS

When I build on MacOS (14.2) I am seeing a Seg Fault in juice_vst3_helper.

I have tracked it down to getHostType() (at juce_PluginHostType.cpp:222:33)
Well, actually on the compare that it triggers.
hostIdReportedByWrapper is null here.

I have a static class variable of type PluginHostType and the constructor calls getHostType().

This doesn’t happen with the exact same code on Windows or Ubuntu, so I’m not sure exactly what is going on here.

MacOS = 14.2, Xcode = 15.0.1 - but also see it with Xcode 14.2

The segfault is most likely occurring in the plugin code, due to a segfault caused by the static initialisation order.

You can reduce static initialisation uncertainties by making your PluginHostType member variable non-static.

That makes sense. Static initialization may be different between platforms.

Thank you!