sliderAttachment interfering with setNumDecimalsToDisplay()

Hello everyone,

I am trying to implement some rotary sliders and need to give my slider 2 decimal places to display. However, when I have the slider attachment in my editor code, it ignores my setNumDecimalPlacesToDisplay(2) code and prints about 7 decimal places. Is it because of how I initialized my valueTreeState, the order of my editor code, or something else? Thank you!

attackSlider.setNumDecimalPlacesToDisplay (2);
    attackSlider.setRange (0.1f, 100.0f);
    attackSlider.setValue (5.0f);
    attackAttachment.reset (new juce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::SliderAttachment (vts, "Attack", attackSlider));
    attackSlider.setSliderStyle (juce::Slider::SliderStyle::RotaryVerticalDrag);
    attackSlider.setTextValueSuffix (" ms");
    attackSlider.setTextBoxStyle (juce::Slider::TextEntryBoxPosition::TextBoxBelow, true, 104, 39);
    addAndMakeVisible (attackSlider);

When using the parameter attachment, the text is obtained from a value-to-text function for the parameter. Sounds like either you have defined as value-to-text conversion lambda for the parameter being attached to, or else the parameter defines that behavior for you by default. If you are implementing that already, then you can change that code to only show two decimals. If it is default parameter behavior doing it, then you can add that callback to format the data how you want it.