StandaloneFilterWindow and new modules branch

the new modules approach and introjucer are supercool but there is a slight problem when you try to build a standalone filter:

the problem is that the StandaloneFilterWindow class is defined within the “JuceLibraryCode\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client” module.
However this module is only included by the introjucer if you are building a plugin. Which a StandaloneFilterWindow is not.

Currently I can manage by copying the JuceLibraryCode/modules/juce_audio_plugin_client/StandAlone directory manually, but I have to redo this everytime I rerun the introjucer (which ruthlessly deletes my manually added dir)

A quick solution could be that the introjucer would always include the Standalone part of the juce_audio_plugin_client module, both for plugins and non-plugins.
And -dare I ask? - the Rolls-Royce solution would be a complete StandaloneFilterWindow project template in the introjucer

In fact, in the latest versions, that class is a header-file-only class, so you can just include it in your code, and it should just work without needing the whole module.

But TBH it should probably be in the juce_audio_processors module instead.