Starting up again with the GCC compiler instead

Guys, I’m starting up again with the GCC compiler instead:

Now, anything I should know so I don’t lose hours of work on stupid things? (which I’m used to do, just trying to avoid)

I plan on using it for both 32 and 64 bits Windows and MAC targets. Is that possible?

Anything I could read to start up faster? (I’m a bit tired right now, but yes, I will google and read the docs, of course)

Thanks for any help in advance.

Best Regards, WilliamK

On the mac and linux it’s obviously the main compiler that everyone uses. But I don’t recommend using it on Windows, I’ve never had good experiences of mingw.

two things i remember trying to push gcc on windows

  1. no decent IDE, i ended up with CodeLite witch i got working with JUCE
  2. performance, building big projects w gcc on windows is a nightmare, the compiler takes much longer to build and that matters for people like me who code in their free time and don’t have a lot of it
  3. paths, keep em short
  4. win32api libraries, whose are a mess too, i’ve spent my first few days trying to figure out witch ones to link to get the project to build.

Thanks. CodeLite does look like a great tool. 8) I’m just tried of bloatware MS stuff… And using the same IDE and Compiler on both Windows and MAC would speed the process up, even if they are not perfect tools, as long as they work and do the job… :wink:


Hard to beat the visual studio debugger.

well yes the debugger is something very unique and nice.

If you are looking for a cross-platform IDE what i found to work with juce is, NetBeans and Eclipse, i used NetBeans with success, i tried Eclipse and i’m sure it can be tuned to work with juce and more but i left it cause it’s a resource hog.

The only real advantage of gcc on windows is it’s (partial) support for C++1x. Do you need that ? Otherwise, why not use MSVC compiler ?

If you want to lose more time than you gain, be my guest.
Otherwise, don’t.

Try to find back VC 2005 express and you can install 64bits build support with very few hack.

Eclipse CDT is far superior to Visual C++ in my experience. Not sure how it compares to CodeLite, but it’s most likely more powerful because I’ve never heard of the latter.

I get the feeling that people aren’t using its best features like

  • refactor any c++ symbol (shift-alt-r)
  • quick hints / auto completion (ctrl-space)
  • auto formatting code (ctrl-shift-f)
  • immediate resource finding (ctrl-shift-r)
  • integration with svn and other free plugins

Yeah you need visual assist to get all that with visual C++, but then, it’s a beast :wink:
Eclipse is quite slow and heavy IMHO

I have a love/hate relationship with visual studio. I would like nothing more than to get off it, especially since 2010 sucks and 2008 is not being updated. At least once a year, I poke around and evaluate other packages like Eclipse, or Qt Creator.

Unfortunately, Visual Studio still offers the best debugger and IDE performance. And the profiling tools are top notch. Yeah the compiler sucks but I’m a results oriented person and right now visual studio 2008 is the best tool for my job.

I feel like I am going to have to migrate to VC++ soon as nearing the end of a development cycle and need to optimize stuff. It’s too bad Intel’s performance tools don’t integrate with gcc or eclipse very well.