TextEditor pop-up menu handling

Hi Jules,

Many thanks for putting-in those pop-up menu changes.

Two requests please that have come from experimenting with your changes:

  1. Can you please a method so that we can query if the pop-up is visible (e.g. const bool getPopupVislble() )? The reason for this is that one of my apps needs (in two separate sub-classes of TextEditor, that do different things) to check this when handling loss-of-focus events. I’d handled this in previous Juce builds by modifying the class to look at an exposed menuVisible member variable, but that has now disappeared. :slight_smile:

  2. Could you please add a new method to PopupMenu to allow a menu to be added/merged-in at a specific index location at the “top level” of the menu, rather than only in a sub-menu? That will enable me to reposition the default copy/cut etc. menu items provided by addPopupMenuItems, at whatever location I want (e.g. by adding some menu items above them in the list). I want my menu items to appear earlier, but at the same level. I know that I could alternatively copy the supplied PopupMenu to a local PopUpMenu, then clear the supplied PopUpMenu, then add-back the local copy of the original menu as a sub menu, but that isn’t quite the effect I want.

Hoping that makes sense. :slight_smile:

Many thanks,


Ah, I wondered where menuVisible flag had come from, but couldn’t remember so chopped it! I’ll put in a proper method to return the status.

Don’t understand your second request… Can’t you just call:

void addPopupMenuItems (PopupMenu& m)
m.addItem (some of my items before the default ones)

TextEditor::addPopupMenuItems (m);

m.addItem (some more items after the default ones)



Hi Jules,

Thanks for saying you’ll add that method - many thanks!

On to your question, sorry Jules, I was confused there … for some reason, I though that I’d be passed a pre-populated menu list. Doh!

So, for the avoidance of doubt, if I want to add the text editor pop-up menu to a sub-menu, I’d do something like this:

void addPopupMenuItems (PopupMenu& m)
  m.addItem (some of my items before the default ones)

  PopupMenu lTextEditorSubMenu;
  TextEditor::addPopupMenuItems (lTextEditorSubMenu);

  m.addSubMenu(T("Edit..."), lTextEditorSubMenu);

  m.addItem (some more items after the default ones)

And I just wanted to add the text editor pop-up menu items “in-line”, I’d do something like this (your example):

void addPopupMenuItems (PopupMenu& m)
  m.addItem (some of my items before the default ones)

  TextEditor::addPopupMenuItems (m);

  m.addItem (some more items after the default ones)

That all looks very easy and hunky-dory. Might be worth adding to the docs. :slight_smile:

I’ll get there in the end. :roll:

Yeah, that’ll do it. I’ve checked in the texteditor changes now (I was just messing with that class anyway, so that was good timing).

You still have “dragging” of highlighted text block around in the TextEditor somewhere in the depths of the “to do” list, don’t you? :slight_smile:

It’s quite a long way down the list…

Hi Jules,

No worries!

I’ve just spotted one thing that I really need in the pop-up handler… :frowning: … which is easy to do. :slight_smile:

That is, I need to know exactly where in the text editor the user clicked when they invoked the pop-up menu (this is because the menu is context-sensitive, depending on the position in the underlying text).

Could you please pass-in a reference to the pop-up MouseEvent, in the call to addPopupMenuItems (…); like this…

void TextEditor::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e)
    beginDragAutoRepeat (100);

    if (wasFocused || ! selectAllTextWhenFocused)
        if (! (popupMenuEnabled && e.mods.isPopupMenu()))
            moveCursorTo (getTextIndexAt (e.x, e.y),
            PopupMenu m;
            addPopupMenuItems (m, e);

            menuActive = true;
            const int result = m.show();
            menuActive = false;

            if (result != 0)
                performPopupMenuAction (result);

Just requires changes to one or two lines of code. :slight_smile:



Well ok, but it’ll have to be a pointer, so it could be null if the menu ever needs to be triggered by a non-mouse method.

Brilliant. :slight_smile:

Thanks Jules, the head of SVN now works fine for me. :slight_smile: