WebBrowserComponent download links

I have run into a problem with the WebBrowserComponent with Macs. We have made an application that has the browser embedded, We would like the browser to be able to download a a file that is has its link in a website. Something like:


For some reason this link will not download the file. Is this a security thing with apple? The same application on a PC will download the file normally.

We thought that a solution to this would be to have the link open up a separate browser window (outside of the app), put the link for the file in that window and have the user download it from there, however the embedded browser will not allow a link to be opened in a new window. Nor will it do it if you right click on a link and select “Open Link In New Window”.

Does anyone have any thoughts about why this might be happening? Ideally the solution would not require us to build a new version of the app, but if we have to then we have to.

We have tried running the application on multiple macs with many different OS’s (including the newest 10.5.7) with no different results.

Any Ideas would be helpful!



Well, the browser window isn’t really supposed to open any of its own windows, so it’s more surprising that it’d work on the PC than not work on the Mac! The component’s only designed to show basic embedded sites, not to provide any of the other functionality that might surround it.

What you can do is override the browser component to intercept a user clicking on a file, and if it’s e.g. a zip, you could download it yourself, showing your own window for the download.

Good to know. Thanks Jules for the quick reply.

Webbrowser component on mac uses webkit, so it should be possible to add the code.