Xcode project damaged after update to 5.4.1

Hi all,

I’ve updated JUCE from 5.3.2 for 5.4.1, threw away my Builds and JuceLibraryCode folders, and had the new projucer generate an Xcode project. However, I now get the following error.

“The project ‘Sampler’ is damaged and cannot be opened due to a parse error. Examine the project file for invalid edits or unresolved source control conflicts.”

Anyone from the JUCE team knows what’s changed in xcode project generation? I’m running Xcode 10.1 on macOS 10.13.6.


Alright, seems I’ve found the problem as well!

The company name field that we use, contains spaces. The bundle identifier that the new projucer generates doesn’t take these into account, and as such that field destroys the build. Replacing it with a custom identifier fixed my issue.

Obviously this seems like something to be fixed for 5.4.2. :slight_smile:

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Yes, thanks for the report. I’ll get that fixed.