
…ok, will see what I can do.

i think a good option the LookandFeel could have, is actually having a couple of functions

void registerColor (const String& name, const Colour& colour);
const Colour& getColour (const String& name);

and internally save the colour in a map.
in this way everyone could (from application directly, or from component or lookandfeel) obtain colours or define them globally (thus offering the possibility to having set colour schemes for the whole look and feel).
e.g. the colours could have ObjectType notation “WindowBackground”, or ObjectSubType notation “SliderThumbOutline” and so on…

yes, those are the sort of ideas I’m pondering…

I found the reason for the freeze when LookAndFeel::getAlertBoxWindowFlags() returns ComponentPeer::windowHasTitleBar:

[code]// photon:
// this is needed due to an infinite loop of lookAndFeelChanged()-addToDesktop()-calls
// due to the fact that addToDesktop() will trigger lookAndFeelChanged() if you try
// to add a component to the desktop with different styleflags than the
// getDesktopWindowStyleFlags()-methode returns

int AlertWindow::getDesktopWindowStyleFlags() const
return getLookAndFeel().getAlertBoxWindowFlags();

And I just noticed that the TextEditor is missing a highlightTextColour like the popupmenu has one. Currently it’s not possible to invert the colour of selected text like it’s windows default.

Again some more stuff I noticed while looking through the code and working on the WindowsLookAndFeel:

  • The default menubar height for DocumentWindow::setMenuBar(…) should be controlled by the LookAndFeel

ok, thanks.

[quote=“daskizzle”]I totally agree with NiallM that LookAndFeel editing features in Jucer would be just spiffy. I also agree with Jules that the WinXP default theme is horrid and should not be duplicated. A Mac LookAndFeel would be mighty dandy, but it’s hard to tell whether Apple would have an issue with it.

In case anybody’s interested, here’s the latest in my development of a Shiny Black LookAndFeel sub-class. There’s a screenshot and the source following the link. It really is only a titlebar and titlebar button so far, but it’s here in case anybody might want to use the code or perhaps learn how to customize LookAndFeel. Please forgive the name. I had no idea what to name it.


sweet!! thanks for the look and thanks for introducing me to esnips :stuck_out_tongue:

http://pyjuce.tuxfamily.org/ : Feel free to help ! :wink:[/quote]

double sweet!!