CFUniquePtr error in XCode 9.4.1 Juce 6.1.2

In on line 204 there is a declaration of a CFUniquePtr, which is inside #if ! JUCE_64BIT define.

CFUniquePtr<HIViewRef> dummyView ((HIViewRef) (void*) (pointer_sized_int)
                                                comp->getProperties() ["dummyViewRef"].toString().getHexValue64());

            if (HIViewIsValid (dummyView.get()))
                dummyView = nullptr;

When I target both 32bit and 64bit architectures, this line throws up the compile error
“use of undeclared identifier CFUniquePtr”

Is there a flag somewhere in Projucer that needs to be set so that I can get things to build?
