Compiler error latest juce - XCode

Its in a console application

…/…/…/JUCEDev/modules/juce_dsp/processors/juce_ProcessorChain.h:35:16: error: ‘auto’ return without trailing return type; deduced return types are a C++14 extension
static auto& get (ProcessorType& a) noexcept { return GetterHelper<arg - 1>::get (a.processors); }

The module juce_dsp requires C++14. You can enable it by selecting C++14 in the drop-down next to C++ Language Standard in the Project Settings in Projucer.

Thanks :slight_smile: Maybe the Projucer should check these dependencies, and give a hint

It does, it is shown on the juce_dsp’s module page.


But it doesn’t stop you from saving anyway…

It also highlights the module as yellow in the module list.

okay thanks :slight_smile:

Maybe this could be a little bit optimized, instead a 24 sign is much more intuitive.
(Which should be also shown in the parent folder and in the header bar, so that you also see it when the elements are folded.)

BTW: I found the tree-structure, where you click on the parent element much more intuitive than clicking on the wheel