iOS capabilities missing from Info.plist

It looks like not all of the iOS capability settings are being stored in Info.plist.  Would it be possible to get support for the other settings added to Introjucer?  Unfortunately, with the exception of iCloud & IAA, I don't know which settings need this support.  For reference, these are being stored in the attributes section of the PBXProject group in the Xcode project file:

attributes = {
    LastUpgradeCheck = 0440;
    TargetAttributes = {
        27B10DFC8A03D2586B1662BD = {
            DevelopmentTeam = XXXXXXXXXX;
            SystemCapabilities = {
       = {
                    enabled = 1;
       = {
                    enabled = 1;

Another thing to be aware of is that some of these capabilities actually do store data in the plist.  However, if the options above are not enabled when you load the project, Xcode apparently just ignores the plist settings.  This means that anytime someone on the team rebuilds the project, they have to re-enable the capabilities and select the correct settings again.





Sorry, just saw this post - can't you use the "custom Plist" setting to add your own stuff?

Hi Jules, thanks for the response.  I may be wrong, but as far as I can tell, I can't use a custom plist to enable some of these options.  For example, if I enable inter-app audio, Xcode doesn't actually save anything to the plist.  Instead it embeds the data directly into the project file.  However, since Introjucer doesn't know anything about inter-app audio it just wipes out the settings each time you save the project.

ok.. I don't know what we'd need to do for that - if you can let me know exactly what's needed, I'm sure it'd be simple enough to support it!