Littlefoot Functions - Request for More Comprehensive Documentation


The Littlefoot Functions page on JUCE contains a comprehensive list of functions, but it does not document some important value ranges, and I’ve had to scour the internet for answers.

As an example, the x and y float variables for touchStart() and touchMove() range between 0 and 2 (as opposed to integer pixel addresses 0-14 on the Lightpad grid)-- but nowhere in the documentation on the Littlefoot functions page is this mentioned! Can information such as this please be added to the Littlefoot functions page?

In addition, for using Littlefoot within the standalone BLOCKS CODE application, there is no single comprehensive list of valid values that all the variables in the Metadata section of the Littlefoot code can take. Can this also be added to the documentation on the Littlefoot functions page?


As an FYI, here’s the relevant section of the GitHub:

/** Called when a touch event moves.

@param index    the touch index, which will stay constant for each finger as it is tracked
@param x        the X position of this touch on the device, in block units starting from 0 (left)
@param y        the Y position of this touch on the device, in block units starting from 0 (top)
@param z        the current pressure of this touch, in the range 0.0 (no pressure) to 1.0 (very hard)
@param vz       the rate at which pressure is currently changing, measured in units/second

void touchMove (int index, float x, float y, float z, float vz);

Nowhere in the documentation is a “block unit” defined.

I have the intention of cleaning up the BLOCKS documentation relatively soon and will make sure to mention the missing information. Thanks for bringing this up.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I can’t find any better place to ask, but is it possible to learn Littlefoot from no coding experience? Ruben Dax claimed that he learned it really quickly on one of roli’s videos, but I can’t find squat for a beginner way to learn it. Again, I am a complete beginner but I would like to be able to customize my lightpad block and experiment with it. Can someone help me?