MINGW64 / GCC Support

Hi, is MINGW supported for JUCE or not? Maybe I missed something here or I do not finde the proper information within the available docs but the followed policy here is not clear for me. The posts here are also not providing a baseline here.
The source code is also quite confusing here and is not consistent. Probably I missed something here…

I.e. the juce_core/native/juce_win32_SystemStats.cpp has been fixed for a while to support MINGW but for the latest commits “Stripped out some defunct VS2003 code” the stuff have been removed and MINGW64 does no longer compile since 4.2.2. The callCPUID function changed and the JUCE_GCC ASM code has been removed.

Anyway, due to predictabillity for future releases a clear support policy statement and a consistent codebase with that policy is a requirement on my side.

Any feedback and help is appreciated by you guys. Thanks

Our general MINGW policy has been that we’re happy to make minor fixes to retain compatibility if people suggest them, but it’s not a platform we test ourselves, so we don’t promise not to break it by mistake!