New to ADC, where to start

Hello Juce world,
i’m attempting to replicate a drum sample pad, a roland spd-sx, and was wondering where i should start.

I think you need to be quite a bit more specific on where you start and what are your questions.

Generally, JUCE is a C++ framework, so at best you should know some C++ programming basics before starting with any JUCE project, so if that’s not the case for you, start there. Knowing the programming language and all the tooling needed to compile C++ code will help you navigate through JUCE a lot.

If you already know a few C++ basics, you might want to have a look at the official JUCE tutorials to get an idea how JUCE can be used to build audio plugins and standalone audio applications – your question does not specify if you want to develop an audio plugin, a standalone audio application or even some embedded software to run in a hardware unit. There are also other good tutorials out there, just search the forum, people have shared useful resources about that in the past.

If you already know all that, you might ask how the software architecture of a sampler should look like, in that case it’s best to share your current ideas and ask more specific questions on where you need help.

Last but not least, you are using the term ADC in an uncommon way. ADC stands for Analog to Digital Converter which is an electronic circuit that transforms analog audio signals into a digital version, it can be found in soundcards and digital mixing desks etc. It also stands for the annual Audio Developer Conference, a big meeting of the audio developer community which happens to be organised by the JUCE team. But I assume you meant neither of both, since that does not make much sense to me in the context of your question? :wink:


If you’re just starting to learn and want to build a sequencer that you can play around with, you might consider using Pure Data instead of JUCE. It’s at least 10 times easier and faster to do this kind of thing in Pure Data, and as PluginPenguin mentioned, you’re going to hit a bunch of frustrating roadblocks if you go the C++ route. Plus PD is free.

Just my 2 cents, and of course it really depends on exactly what you’re trying to do.