Projucer LiveBuild (Windows) ... errors while building

Hi all,

I get these errors while trying to use ‘Projucer LiveBuilding’ feature (Windows).
Did I miss something like setting up a path somewhere or what I am doing wrong ?

Thanks in advance …

Hi Matthias, thanks for getting in touch!

The screenshot looks like you’re running Windows 7? Unfortunately the minimum supported version for Projucer live-build is Windows 8.1. We added a checker for that now, but it didn’t make it to the alpha version. Sorry.

is there a particular reason why this can’t work on Windows 7? I’ve always been under the impression that there are no significant differences between Win7, Win8 and Win10, so I’m probably missing something here?

Hi Koen, we’re relying on Windows 10 SDK which is either already available or installed with Visual Studio 2015. In our experience it works well with both, Clang and Microsofts UCRT:

Basically it allows us to maintain the Windows port of the live-build engine with reasonable effort. Without this restriction we had to test and maintain countless system/setup combinations and we just cannot do that. Since Windows 10 SDK this is pretty straightforward and stable (so far).

Nevertheless, in principle you can have the Windows 10 SDK on Windows 7 and you can hack away the OS-checker in the Projucer on develop at any time. And in the end it will probably work on your system – we’re just not certain enough to get it right for all of them :slight_smile:

OK, thanks for the clarification, Stefan!
So this is only related to the live build engine itself, right?
Programs built on Win7, 8 or 10 with VS2015 and the default Projucer desktop project settings should build and run fine on all of Win7, 8 or 10, correct?

So this is only related to the live build engine itself, right?

Yes, correct

Programs built on Win7, 8 or 10 with VS2015 and the default Projucer desktop project settings should build and run fine on all of Win7, 8 or 10, correct?

Exactly. In detail this means you build a JUCE-based project with your native tool-chain (VS2015 in this case). It is compatible with the set of platforms supported by ALL of the following:

  • the JUCE library code: cross-platform, AFAIK all popular Windows versions
  • your own project code: that’s your responsibility
  • your tool-chain: I think everything since XP, detailed info here