Sequencer and parameters with tab change

Hello everyone,

I would like to develop some kind of sequencer. Imagine: there are three sequencers, each with 16 steps, where each step is adjustable in height (see picture). Since the individual steps have a float value instead of a bool, I wonder how I save them in my valueTreeState. My first thought is to create a parameter for each step, store them in an array and link it via valueTreeState so that I have access in both the ui and the dsp. However, this will expand if I make multiple sequencers available. Is this okay? Or is there a cleaner solution?

Furthermore, I would like to know how I handle it in the ui that you change between the sequencers?

In the ui I create a slider with attachment in the constructor to link the valueTreeState. Can I just change this at runtime?

Sorry for these newbie questions. :smiley: