[Solved] Can't log in the forum on Windows

Whenever I click the [log in] button of juce forum, it’ll show ‘Internal Server Error’…

Any idea?

Works fine for me - have you tried using different browsers?


Yes, ed95. I’ve tried Chrome 56.0 and IE 11.

Chrome alway says: internal server error. IE can open the ROLI sign in page, but it has no any response after I clicked the [SIGN IN] button… I register a new ROLI account on IE, also, can’t sign in…

So strange… I’ve never encountered this case before.

OK, we’ll look into this. Thanks for the report.


Hi @loopfine,

We’ve actually deployed a fix for a known issue on the website in the last hour or so that could have been causing your login problems. Can you try again and see if it has been fixed for you?


Thanks, ed95. It’s normal now, great!! :+1:

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