Windows Audio vs. DirectSound vs. ASIO in Standalone? Did something change in the past 3 years?

Well, I installed ASIO using the following three steps:

  1. Download ASIO SDK zip from Steinberg and save “common” folder from it in local folder on disk
  2. Turn on ASIO in Projucer settings with module settings for juce_audio_devices enabling JUCE_ASIO
  3. Click gear above file explorer in Projucer and add to “Header Search Paths” the path to the “common” folder from #1

As per:

This seems to have solved it. Using ASIO delivers good performance again. I presume something changed in how Windows was handling the “Windows Audio” (previously good, now shit) but either way ASIO still delivers.

So all good. Leaving this here for anyone else. :slight_smile:

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