[Bug]: Android exporter in Projucer for Unity plugins not working

Detailed steps on how to reproduce the bug

Create a Unity plugin project and add the android exporter.

What is the expected behavior?

The output from Android Studio should be a plugin .so file with the correct hooks for unity to initialize it as an audio plugin.

Currently it outputs a .jar file that does have some .so files inside of it, however these do not include the right exported functions that unity requires for it to be recognized as an audio plugin.

What versions of the operating systems?

Not an OS issue, purely how the android exporter works with unity plugin projects.


x86_64, ARM, 64-bit, 32-bit

Anyone else had this issue?


The native Unity plugin wrapper provided by JUCE does not officially support mobile platforms. However, it is possible to enable them as a target through CMake by modifying the _juce_get_platform_plugin_kinds function in the JUCE/extras/Build/CMake/JUCEModuleSupport.cmake file with the following code snippet:

        list(APPEND result Unity)

After implementing this change, I successfully generated a .so file that appears to contain all the necessary symbols. However, when attempting to load the plugin in Unity on an Android device, the application crashes. The crash occurs during the execution of CreateJavaInterface , specifically while initiating the message thread, as shown in the attached screenshot:

Could someone advise on whether it’s feasible to resolve this issue?

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Yes, has anyone successfully built Android Unity plugin? Please help!!

It’s definitely possible, I’ve done it and got it working with Android on the Meta Quest 1 & 2. I don’t have the time right now to get into details, but will try to come back soon and post with more info. It was a very manual process.


@Cymatic - That encouraging to hear! Would be super helpful if you could point us in the right direction!

OK, so here are more details based on what I was able to get working.

There are a few disclaimers to this however:

  • I wasn’t really able to get the plugin GUI editor working in Unity (but that wasn’t a huge issue for me, so I didn’t spend too much time on it)
  • In my design I just needed a single instance of the plugin, and my code reflects this. If you need to be able to create multiple instances of your plug-in in Unity, you will probably need to modify the approach slightly to properly instantiate and destroy plug-in instances in your Unity Native Audio SDK project (this will make more sense later after seeing some of the example code, but you can check out how JUCE does this for the generated Unity project files)
  • I used nmake and the Android NDK (which Unity was using) to cross compile the audio plug-in
  • Because I was wary of potential JUCE dependency issues cross compiling to Android, I explicitly was able to abstract the core of my plugin and DSP code to portable C++ that had no specific JUCE dependencies, but for the normal macOS/Win JUCE Unity plugin it was wrapped in a JUCE AudioProcessor. Unfortunately, I can’t really provide much insights with how well this will work if you have a lot of JUCE dependencies.

With that out of the way, I was able to find a post on the Unity forums in which people were asking about Native Audio SDK for Anrdoid (since was not officially supported), and found a link to this project which successfully got a Native Audio SDK plugin working on Anrdoid:


This is not a JUCE project, but it gave clues on how to setup the project structure.

I created normal JUCE Unity audio plugin projects with Projucer for macOS and Windows for testing during development in Unity which produce a .bundle and .dll, respectively. And then for the Android version of the audio plugin, I had to manually create the project files for use with nmake to generate the .so file.

I’m going to assume you have familiarized yourself with how Unity Native Audio SDK plugins work (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/AudioMixerNativeAudioPlugin.html) and (https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/NativeAudioPlugins).

The short summary is that there is a separate C++ project template/SDK Unity supplies to use as a starting point to implementing your own (in this case, non-JUCE) native audio plugins. This is what the JUCE Unity audio plugin projects are generating. But for Android this is not getting generated, as you probably know. Unity also was not officially supporting native audio plugins for Android (not sure if they do now), but it is possible to make them work.

I used the UnityPd project I mentioned above as a starting point since I know that it was a working implementation of Native Audio plugins on Android. So, some of the files I will post as an example will still have some leftover UnityPd related values that I was too lazy to change.

Basically my project structure looked like this (I’m going to substitute my actual plugin name with MyPlugin, also I’m omitting some files like licenses, and just trying to list the critical ones):

  • [ Root ]
    • [ app ]
      • app.iml
    • [ jni ]
      • Android.mk
      • Application.mk
      • Android.iml
    • [ UnityNativeAudioPlugin ]
      • AudioPluginInterface.h
      • AudioPluginUtil.cpp
      • AudioPluginUtil.h
      • PluginList.h
    • Plugin_MyPlugin.cpp

To edit the Makefile for building, edit /jni/Android.mk.

To edit the target archteciture, edit /jni/Application.mk.

To build, set your current/working directory to the /jni folder and make sure ndk-build is in your env PATH variable. You can use ndk-build clean, ndk-build DEBUG=true, and ndk-build, to clean, build in Debug mode, and build in Release mode respectively.

The Unity Native Audio SDK interface is implemented in Plugin_MyPlugin.cpp, and the UnityNativeAudioPlugin directory. The plugin is registered as a Unity audio plugin in PluginList.h.

Plugin_MyPlugin.cpp wraps your audio class as a Unity audio plug-in.

PluginList.h registers the plugin by name and C++ namespace within Unity’s audio plug-in system:

DECLARE_EFFECT("audioplugin_MyPlugin", Plugin_MyPlugin)

Make sure your name starts with “audioplugin_” as I believe Unity uses this as a convention when scanning for audio plugin libraries.

Here’s where you should place each operating systems dynamic library in your Unity project:

Windows: ~/Assets/Plugins/{{x86, x64}}/audioplugin_MyPlugin.dll
macOS: ~/Assets/Plugins/macOS/audioplugin_MyPlugin.bundle
Android ~/Assets/Plugins/Android/{{arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a}}/audioplugin_MyPlugin.so

(the stuff in the curly braces is meant to indicate that you need to create a new folder per architecture you want to target and place the respective library binary in those folders for Unity to find it for each platform you want to target)

I ended up adding an C/C++ interop interface to my audio plugins so that I could use C# interop to interact with my plugin in C# and call underlying C++ methods which worked well, but I’m not going to get into that here.

Here us the contents of the files (as much as I can provide, again some code omitted since it is project-specific, and not open source):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
    <exclude-output />
    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />


LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

# Setup your source paths, these are mine, just as an example
CYSO_JUCE_ROOT = $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../../../../CySoJuce/src/modules
#DST_PATH = $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../../build

# PD-specific flags
  $(CYSO_JUCE_ROOT)/cymatic_somatics_filters/utility/WindowFunction.cpp  \
  $(CYSO_JUCE_ROOT)/cymatic_somatics_filters/filters/CySoButterworthFilter.cpp  \
# Add your source files here, I put some of mine in here as an example ...
PD_C_INCLUDES := $(CYSO_JUCE_ROOT)/cymatic_somatics_math/math \
# Add your source include directories here, again the ones here are just for example ...

PD_JNI_CFLAGS := -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast
PD_LDLIBS := -ldl

# build static library
include $(CLEAR_VARS)

# build plugin
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := audioplugin_MyPlugin
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../UnityNativeAudioPlugin
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -latomic
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../../Plugin_MyPlugin.cpp ../../UnityNativeAudioPlugin/AudioPluginUtil.cpp


#	mkdir -p $@ && cp $< $@

/jni/Application.mk (change your target architecture here)

APP_STL := c++_static
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
    <exclude-output />
    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />




/UnityNativeAudioPlugin/PluginList.h (part of the Unity Native Audio SDK)

DECLARE_EFFECT("audioplugin_PrismDecoder", Plugin_MyPlugin)


#include "AudioPluginUtil.h"

// These are my custom includes, just putting them in here as an example
#include "CySoMath.h"
#include "WindowFunction.h"

    Your audio plugin includes here, etc.
using namespace CymaticSomatics;

namespace Plugin_MyPlugin // this namespace is important as I believe Unity's Native Audio SDK uses it
    // Here's my single instance, you might need a different approach if you need multiple instances of your plugin.
    MyPlugin myPlugin; 

    enum Param

        This is normally where you setup your plugins parameter data.
        If you need to support more than once instance of your plugin, I believe you
        can add a pointer to it to this structure, with life cycle explained in the comments below.
        I would recommend looking at the JUCE Unity audio plugin generated files to see how they do it.
    struct EffectData
        struct Data
            float p[P_NUM];
            Data data;
            unsigned char pad[(sizeof(Data) + 15) & ~15]; // This entire structure must be a multiple of 16 bytes (and and instance 16 byte aligned) for PS3 SPU DMA requirements

    int InternalRegisterEffectDefinition(UnityAudioEffectDefinition& definition)
        int numparams = P_NUM;
        definition.paramdefs = new UnityAudioParameterDefinition[numparams];
        definition.channels = 2;
        return numparams;

    UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK CreateCallback(UnityAudioEffectState* state)
        EffectData* effectdata = new EffectData;
        memset(effectdata, 0, sizeof(EffectData));
        state->effectdata = effectdata;

        // Initialize your audio plugin here...

            If you need multiple instances of your plugin, instantiate them here I believe.
            Add a pointer to them on your EffectData structure so you can delete them later.

        InitParametersFromDefinitions(InternalRegisterEffectDefinition, effectdata->data.p);

        return UNITY_AUDIODSP_OK;

    UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK ReleaseCallback(UnityAudioEffectState* state)
        EffectData::Data* data = &state->GetEffectData<EffectData>()->data;

        // If you need multiple instances of your plugin, make sure to delete them here (you should at a pointer to them on the EffectData structure).

        delete data;

        return UNITY_AUDIODSP_OK;

    UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK SetFloatParameterCallback(UnityAudioEffectState* state, int index, float value)
        EffectData::Data* data = &state->GetEffectData<EffectData>()->data;
        if (index < 0 || index >= P_NUM)
        data->p[index] = value;

        return UNITY_AUDIODSP_OK;

    UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK GetFloatParameterCallback(UnityAudioEffectState* state, int index, float* value, char* valuestr)
        EffectData::Data* data = &state->GetEffectData<EffectData>()->data;
        if (index < 0 || index >= P_NUM)
        if (value != NULL)
            *value = data->p[index];
        if (valuestr != NULL)
            valuestr[0] = 0;
        return UNITY_AUDIODSP_OK;

    int UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK GetFloatBufferCallback(UnityAudioEffectState* state, const char* name, float* buffer, int numsamples)
        return UNITY_AUDIODSP_OK;

    UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK ProcessCallback(UnityAudioEffectState* state, float* inbuffer, float* outbuffer, unsigned int length, int inchannels, int outchannels)
            Run your audio processor's processBlock() method here.
            Keep in mind you must deinterlace the audio buffers from Unity first,
            since Unity uses interlaced audio buffers and JUCE does not. Don't
            forget to go back to interlaced audio before copying to the outbuffer for Unity.

        // Copy the input buffer to the output buffer
        if (inchannels >= 2 && outchannels >= 2)
            memcpy(outbuffer, inbuffer, sizeof(float) * length * 2);

        return UNITY_AUDIODSP_OK;

I know this is not a complete working example, but hopefully it gets you a bit closer. You probably can’t avoid all JUCE dependencies like I did, but hopefully you can get them to cross compile OK. I modified the source to be appropriate for sharing an example, so not sure if I messed anything up when doing that, but I tried to leave some helpful comments of useful things to know.

Cheers, and good luck.

By the way, I think Unity only officially supports Native Audio SDK plugins for Windows and macOS, so I’m not sure you could technically call this a bug in JUCE if Unity themselves don’t officially support it, even if it’s technically possible.

Thanks for your incredibly helpful and detailed reply.

If I get around to removing dependencies from JUCE in my DSP code, as you suggested, then I might as well just port it to a MetaSound node and build the whole app in UE:

It might be a more streamlined developer experience, in my opinion. Anyways, I appreciate you taking the time to describe your process; it’s a great reference for implementing Android plugins for Unity.

I eventually found a way to create a working build of my plugin.

It required the message queue to be reimplemented in C++ on Android, eliminating the need for JNI. This change might have some performance implications when using the message thread, but so far, it seems to work okay for me.

I summarized my findings in this article. Once you set up the necessary changes in the JUCE folder, it is actually quite simple to create a Unity plugin for Android!

I hope this helps.

Let me know if you run into any issues.

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Thanks for the article and the github links! Only thing I seem to be stuck on now is the full CMAKE command. You gave a couple of arguments but I seem to be missing some others. A particular issue seems to be the NDK_ROOT variable isn’t set. I’ve tried everything I could think of to make it have a value but I always get the error that NDK_ROOT isn’t set.

I was trying to do this on Windows and was having no luck at all.
I managed to get the demo project to build on Mac by running the CMake UI tool and adding those fields mentioned in the article.

Only problem now is that I can’t get it to build arm64-v8a, fails during the final linker step:

Linking CXX shared library audioplugin_DemoSynth_artefacts/Unity/libaudioplugin_DemoSynth_Unity.so
audioplugin_DemoSynth_artefacts/libaudioplugin_DemoSynth.a: error adding symbols: Archive has no index; run ranlib to add one
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [audioplugin_DemoSynth_artefacts/Unity/libaudioplugin_DemoSynth_Unity.so] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/audioplugin_DemoSynth_Unity.dir/all] Error 2


I can’t help much with solving this via the CMake UI tool, as I use the CLI of CMake.

However, I can build the demo plugin project on macOS without any issues using these CMake commands:

cmake -G Ninja -B cmake-build-android-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Android -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.20f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a

cmake --build cmake-build-android-release --config Release --target audioplugin_DemoSynth_Unity

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the tips! It does compile successfully now for both armv7 and arm64.

I was trying out the demo unity project you shared in your blog. (I had to make the arm64 and windows versions of your plugin)
It doesn’t seem to work? The getInstance() call always returns a null pointer.

The built version on my Android doesn’t make any sounds either. I assume for the same reason.
(Built with IL2CPP arm64)


Regarding the “no sound” issue on Android, please refer to the “Keep the audio session active” section here. I’ve observed similar behavior in Android builds, where the plugin’s processing callbacks are not called unless there is an active audio source routed through the mixer.

As for it not working on Windows in the editor, I’m unsure of the cause, but you could attach a debugger to the Unity editor process to see which methods on the plugin are being called — or not. The instance pointer is initialized in prepareToPlay, so that’s a good starting point.