First project issues


Complete newbie here.
I’ve run into several problems during my first JUCE project.
I’m following the tutorials on the JUCE websites,precisely the “the application window” one.
I creat a new GUI application project with Create a Main.cpp file only.Then I corrected the code inclusing all the lines missing following the image,but when I try to compile this these pop up:

and if I try to build it in Visual studio these errors pop up

what I don’t understand is:
my code looks exactly like the one showed in the image of the tutorial,so why doesn’t work?

are you supposed to add the missing “line” as I did or not?
Why visual studio underlines errors in specific lines I didn’t write or modified?

Sorry i can’t include more pics because I’m a new user.

Literally the first project for me please help me out.


Compiling using the Live Build Engine inside Projucer is known to be problematic. It can break easily depending on the version of Projucer and the version of the Windows Kits that are installed on your machine.

For now, you should stick to Visual Studio and tell us what errors you are getting there.

I hope this helps.

Hi McMartin,

I attach the screenshot with the errors in visual studio.

Thanks for the quick reply

BTW if there is better way to show you the errors on visual studio then a .png file let me know

IntelliSense doesn’t work well with the way the JUCE code is structured. Please change “Build + IntelliSense” to “Build Only” in the combo box where you can select what errors to list.

I think my code wasn’t structured well,I’ve written everything again and when I try to build it in Visual studio it says “Built Succeeded” there are no errors anymore,but no window with the actual app pops up anywhere.

That’s great!

Once you’re done building, you can run. You can do that by clicking on Debug > Start Without Debugging (Ctrl+F5). You can also use Debug > Start Debugging (F5) if you want to debug the running program.

float a = 66;
a += 2;
for(int i = 0; i < sampleRate; i++)

to answer your other question: when you copy code or any type of text in the editor of this forum you can select it and press the </>-button to make it look like the stuff above this text. that way you could also show error-messages

Tried both nothing runs

thanks very helpful